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Thursday, 20 August 2015

Breakfast @ Breens

I've always been told that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and I never really thought about why that was. But over time, throughout the countless amount of times I've woken up late and had to skip breakfast or forgot about breakfast entirely. I've experienced why it is so important. It literally fuels you up and gets you ready for the day. 
Eating breakfast allows you to have more energy, do better in school, and eat healthier throughout the day. 
Without it, people can get irritable, restless, and tired.
  But having to make the same old breakfast of cereal or eggs can get so boring and I loose interest in my meal. But making something new, can take up a lot of time in the morning and that is a luxury I don't have being in school. 
So I've decided to dedicate this post to quick and easy meals for breakfast that are delicious & quick. While some may be a lil naughty, I've added a couple nice healthy alternatives in the mix xx

Smoothie Bowl Recipes
Simply cut up any fruit of your liking (I reccomend Mango & Bananas) & drizzle some melted PB/Peanut Butter Sauce on-top!

Vegan Pancake Recipe (Toppings are optional!)

Grilled Cheese Sandwich Recipe (With additional Bacon)


Pre-made Pancake mix stuffed with Nutella topped w/ Walnuts, Bananas & Salted Caramel Sauce

S'more French Toast Recipe

I'd like to thank Buzzfeedfood & Thrivingonplants for inspiring me to make some of these lovely breakfast meals! They're the reason I don't go to school hungry each and everyday x I do realize that the majority of the meals that I've listed are sweet and that's honestly because I prefer something sweet for breakie. Some other meals I've tried and highly suggest are linked below:
That's all for now, till next time!




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